Insights from Prosthetic Artists Inc - Expert Tips and Innovations in Prosthetics — Prosthetic Artists, Inc


February 12, 2024

The eyes are often called the windows to the soul, and losing an eye can feel like losing an essential part of yourself. This loss can be very hard to accept for someone. But for people who have lost one eye, ocular prosthetics do not just help them restore aesthetics; they help them regain confidence, reclaim normalcy, and embark on a unique journey of self-discovery.

This blog delves into the world of ocular prosthetics, offering a comprehensive guide for anyone seeking information on this topic. We'll explore the different types of prosthetics available, expectations during the fitting process, and the process of finding quality ocular prosthetics near you.

A Small Glimpse About Ocular Prosthetics

Before delving into the search for ocular prosthetics, let's understand what they are. Ocular prosthetics, also known as artificial eyes or ocular implants, are custom-made replacements for natural eyes. They are carefully made to look like real eyes in color and shape, giving a natural look.

The first evidence of people using artificial eyes goes way back to a woman discovered in Iran around 2900–2800 BC. Her artificial eye was round like a half-ball and was a little bigger than an inch across. It was made of a light material, likely a kind of paste called bitumen. The surface of the eye was covered with a thin layer of gold.

Why Quality Matters in Ocular Prosthetics?

When it comes to ocular prosthetics, quality is paramount. A well-made prosthetic eye not only looks realistic but also functions properly, allowing for comfortable wear and optimal movement. Plus, a top-notch prosthetic eye can make you feel more confident and better overall, especially if you're dealing with vision problems.

What Is A Prosthetic Eye Made of?

Imagine you've heard about prosthetic eyes, but you're not sure what they're made of. Well, in the past, they used to be made of glass, which is where the term "glass eye" comes from. But nowadays, most prosthetic eyes are made of a tough plastic called acrylic. 

The prosthetic eye is placed on top of an ocular implant. This implant is a small, hard, round object that is put into the eye socket through surgery and stays there permanently.

Reasons You May Need An Eye Prosthesis

When something happens to damage or completely remove an eye, like from an injury or disease, a prosthetic eye might be needed. Sometimes, if an eye can't be saved and might cause health problems, a surgeon might have to take it out. There are two main ways a surgeon can remove an eye:

  • Evisceration: This is when most of the inside parts of the eye are taken out, leaving just the white part of the eye and some muscles.

  • Enucleation: This is when the whole eye is removed. Then, the muscles around the eye are stitched onto a rounded implant.

Here are some common reasons why someone might need their eye removed:

  • Injury: Like getting hit in the eye or having something sharp go into it.

  • Cancer: If there's a tumor or cancer in the eye.

  • Infection: When there's a serious infection in the eye that can't be fixed.

  • Severe Eye Pain: Sometimes, conditions like neovascular glaucoma can cause intense eye pain that can't be relieved any other way.

If any of these things happen and the eye can't be saved, removing it and getting a prosthetic eye might be the best option for the person's health and comfort.

How To Find Ocular Prosthetics Near Me?

Now that we understand the importance of quality ocular prosthetics and when you need them, let's discuss how to find them near your location:

  • Consult With Ophthalmologists

You should start by consulting with your ophthalmologist or eye care specialist. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations for reputable ocular prosthetic providers in your area. Additionally, they can assess your specific needs and guide you through the prosthetic fitting process.

  • Research Online

You should use online resources to search for ocular prosthetic specialists near you. Check out websites and reviews to see what others say about different clinics or doctors. Make sure to pick someone with lots of experience, good qualifications, and who makes high-quality prosthetic eyes.

  • Ask For Referrals

You should reach out to friends, family members, or support groups who may have experience with ocular prosthetics. They can offer personal recommendations and share their journey of finding a reliable provider. Don't hesitate to ask detailed questions about their experience and satisfaction with the prosthetic outcome.

  • Schedule Consultations

Once you've made a list of possible places where you can get your ocular prosthetic, arrange meetings with them. When you meet, discuss what you need, any worries you have, and what you hope for. Also, use this time to check out the clinic, see how professional the staff is, and how good the prosthetist is at their job.

What To Expect During The Fitting Process?

After selecting reputable ocular prosthetics near you, you'll undergo a fitting process tailored to your needs. Here's what you can expect:

  • First Check-up: The eye prosthetist will carefully check your eye socket and the area around it to understand its shape and size. This helps them figure out how to make the artificial eye fit well and give you proper comfort.

  • Making Your New Eye: They'll use special technology or traditional methods to create a new prosthetic eye that looks like your real one. They'll ensure it's the right color, size, and shape.

  • Fitting Your New Eye: Once your new prosthetic eye is ready, you'll have sessions where they fit it into place. They'll adjust it to ensure it feels comfortable and moves naturally with your other eye.

  • Learning About Care: The ocular prosthetist will teach you how to take care of your new prosthetic eye. They'll show you how to keep it clean and handle it properly. If you have any questions or worries, they'll answer them.

  • Keeping Up With Check-ups: After you get your new prosthetic eye, you'll need to go back to the ocular prosthetist regularly. They'll check how you're doing, fix any problems, and adjust your new eye if needed. This helps make sure everything stays just right.


The journey of finding quality ocular prosthetics near you may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and resources, it's entirely achievable. By consulting with experienced professionals, conducting research, and speaking up about what you need, you can get the right prosthetic eye and feel good about how you look and see.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. So, without any delay, contact Prosthetic Artists, INC today and start your journey towards living life with confidence. We have been offering state-of-the-art ocular and facial prosthetic services in the Greater Sacramento area for over 50 years. To know more about us and our services, visit our official website.